अनुसंधान सुविधाएं

पुस्तकालय सुविधा


The Central Library of ISI is located at Kolkata with a network extending to other locations of the Institute. Over the years, the library has attained the distinction of being one of the richest libraries of the country, particularly in the field of Statistics and related disciplines. The Central Library at Kolkata has over 2,00,000 volumes of books and journals besides many official reports, reprints, maps, microfilms and microfiches. It receives about one thousand scientific and technical journals annually. The Library has acquired databases on CD-ROM and further computerisation of the library facilities is in progress. The library has developed a separate collection of books and journals in Mathematics and Statistics known as Eastern Regional Centre of NBHM collection, out of the grants from the National Board of Higher Mathematics. The Institute offers a course leading to Associateship in Documentation and Information Science, conducted by the Documentation Research and Training Centre of ISI Bangalore. The Centre and the Library constitute the Library, Documentation and Information Science Division of ISI.

Library at the Kolkata Head Quarter

Library at the Delhi Centre

Library at the Bangalore Centre

Library at the Chennei Centre

Library at the Tezpur Centre